Learn everything you could ever need to know about how to make your own watercolour paints


Head over to The Alchemical Arts Academy to sign up now and get paint making!

Why Learn to Make Your Own Paint?

Here is just a taste of the reasons why you might want to learn the incredible art of paint making

Need more convincing?

Whether you’re a painter, artist, or craftsperson, you might find the idea of learning to make your own paint intriguing.. but odd. It’s hardly a hobby that many people take up, and it’s certainly not every day you find an entire course dedicated to teaching it.


So, you might be asking, “why on earth should I learn how to make something I can just buy from any old art store?”. Well, one thing that might surprise you is that there are AMAZING BENEFITS that come with learning to make your own paint. 


You’d be forgiven for thinking that learning to make your own paint is nothing more than… well, learning to make your own paint… but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

A bit about my journey…

My name is Jeremy Parker, and I have been utterly fascinated and entirely consumed by the art of paint making for many years now. When I decided to emerge from my paint making cave and return to the real world, I quickly learned that I’d been living in a bubble.


It dawned on me quite quickly that all of the wondrous elements of learning such a unique and special skill are not that obvious to everyone else. In fact, many people have never even considered the idea.. and when I took a step back to think about this objectively, it all made perfect sense.. why would someone want to make their own paints?


This is very understandable when you consider that the art of paint making has truly been lost to the ages… a reason why I’m so determined to convince you to give it a go! I can’t convince you of all the reasons you should learn to make your own paint in just a few sentences, so let me elaborate…

Philosophical & Creative Benefits

Unearth a new relationship with your materials

Through the process of making your own paints, you will get the rare opportunity to develop a deep relationship with the materials that you work with as an artist.

Knowledge is power, but so is connection

The more you know about the mediums you work with, the more informed you will be in the choices you make with them. This comes through learning, but it also comes through cultivating an emotional and intimate connection with your art materials.

Rediscover a lost art

Along with developing a new found connection to your materials, you will also get the unique chance to foster a profound bond with the history of art making itself. A bond such as this can only form as you envelop yourself in the renewal and reenactment of centuries old pastimes and trades.


Back in the days of old, a maker of paints went through a truly deep and authentic process that almost NO artist in this day and age could even imagine. There is so much wisdom and experiential knowledge to be gained from being immersed in such a process.

Bring about an archaic revival!

In recent years there has been a steady but gradual appreciation of long forgotten crafts and trades that are slowly beginning to creep back into the daily sphere of society at large.


All artists in the past spent time as apprentices grinding paint for their respective masters; this in turn, lead them to become masters in their own right. I feel strongly about maintaining those traditions and it is what drives me to learn and share these skills. I can’t sit back and watch as these artistic crafts die out, particularly in the age of mass production.


The more of us that practice a dying art, the greater chance we have of keeping it alive.

Practical Benefits

Learn a unique new skill

Not only is learning to make your own paint an incredibly fun and interesting hobby to take up, there are very few people in the world that know how to do it. Learning to make your own watercolour paints is an uncommonly unique and valuable skill that could open up the door to a whole world of unexpected, intriguing, and even lucrative opportunities. Not to mention, it sure is one heck of a conversation starter!

A whole world of paint at your fingertips

By learning to make your own watercolour paints you will be arming yourself, not just with the ability to create your very own favourites, but also the ability to make any kind of watercolour paint you desire!


This means you’ll have the ability to create paints that you can’t even buy! You’ll be able to design and create unique and inspiring palettes that most artists can only dream of: Rare colours, historical colours, unique colours, all natural palettes, ultra modern palettes, and any combination you can think of.

You're in complete control

What’s more, by learning to make your own paints, you will have total control over the paint making process. This means that if you want your paint to have certain properties you can make that happen. If you want your paint to behave in a particular way, you can make that happen. The more advanced you become, the better equipped you will be at manipulating your precious goods.

In the age of mass-production, become an artisan!

Here at The Alchemical Arts, we’re obsessed with everything handmade. Artisanal this, hand-crafted that, it’s what we do and where our passion lies. If you’re like us, you may have also become increasingly disheartened and frustrated with the mass production of.. well, just about everything! And art materials are no exception.


Much of our ethos at the Alchemical Arts comes from a deep desire to rekindle your love of handmade goods. I feel very strongly about the need to preserve and carry on the invaluable traditions we’ve gained throughout the magnificent history of the art world. These practices are what tether us to a time of deep appreciation and an impassioned connection to art that we are slowly losing more and more each day. The solution? Join the artisinal revolution!

Practice a new form of mindfulness

As you work through the process of making paint, you will find that it involves deeply meditative qualities that can evoke a sharp awareness of mind and body. Grinding paint is an intensely sensory activity that will often take you out of your own head.


Through the art of learning to make your own paints, you will also get the opportunity to focus your awareness, get in tune with your senses, and harmonise your mind-body relationship.

If that’s too esoteric for you, it’s also another way of saying that learning to make your own paints is a great workout for the body and the brain, all at once!

Open up a whole new world of possibilities!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… making your own watercolour paints is just the beginning.


If you, like me, are fascinated by ancient, antiquated, and long lost crafts of yore, then you’ll be delighted to learn that there is an immense and wildly engaging collection of little known and long-forgotten arts just waiting to be revived.


The most logical step to take after you master the art of making your own watercolours, is to learn how to make your own pigments, and this is where things get really interesting. Lake pigments, ochre pigments, ancient pigments, where and how to collect your own materials in nature…


And the road doesn’t end there. The Alchemical Arts will be bringing out an entire series of courses devoted to the long lost arts as we continue on our journey of archaic revival.


…but I’m getting ahead of myself now. 

Bring Some Colour Into Your Life

Why Take OUR Course?

It. Has. Everything.

Well, just about. The idea was to create a course on making your own watercolour paints that was as detailed and comprehensive as possible. As far as we know, there is no other online watercolour paint making course on offer that covers the immense amount of content we have put together for you in such a neat little package.

We're Not So Different, You And I

In other words, I can relate. I might know a thing or two about paint making, pigment making, and many archaic crafts in between, but I’m no guru. I’ve simply put in the time to research obscure information and experiment with anything I could get my hands on as many times as necessary. BUT… I started out right where you are today, which means that I’m in an ideal position to guide you along your journey.

Save Yourself Countless Hours Of Research

Finding the information I’ve needed to get to this point and to see success in all my experiments so far has not been an easy task. At some points it took me many days and even weeks to painstakingly scour over century old texts and out of print books just to find one important piece of information. I put in this time and effort with maddening ambition and passionate drive (that would often verge on insanity)… so now you can save all of that time and energy to put towards simply making paint!

I Have Made ALL The Mistakes, So You Don't Have To!

Having been at this for so many years now, I have made every mistake in the book…  as well as those that aren’t in any books at all. These mistakes have taught me more than any manual ever could and I consider them a great blessing in disguise. I now know exactly what to teach you so you can avoid hours, days, and sometimes weeks of lost time and energy, which can sometimes come from making just one tiny mistake. 

We Offer Payment Plans

Can’t afford to pay the full price up front? I completely understand!


The last thing I want is for you to miss out. So, to make the financial side of things more manageable we will be including the option for you to pay over time in small installments.


This way you can enroll immediately — but only need to pay the first installment to begin with — so the entire process becomes affordable. Basically, you get to have your cake and eat it too.

Join A Community Of Like-Minded Artisans

By signing up to this course you will gain access to an exclusive group of paint making and archaic craft loving enthusiasts where you can share ideas, knowledge, and insights into everything you learn in the course. I will also make myself available to answer any questions you might have from time to time, so you will never feel like you’re lost in the dark.

We Get Into The Nitty Gritty

It’s easy enough to find a 15 minute YouTube video showing you how to make a watercolour paint… but what happens if it doesn’t work? Where do you get those tools?  Where can I find that ingredient? What if I want to use a different pigment? There are thousands of considerations that these basic videos simply can’t cover in the short amount of time they take in showing you the absolute basics.

We Go WAY Beyond The Basics

As well as the essential skills covered, you will also learn:

ground madder

What Will I Learn?

All the tools you need to become a successful paint maker

This includes theory on how all the tools work, necessary tool maintenance, and an entire bonus lesson on how to make your own grinding slab.

For a detailed look at what tools you will need for the course, click the button below to download a free copy of our Tool Set-up Guide!

How to make your own binder

The binder used in watercolour paint making is an essential part of the process. While it's important to know how it's made it's equally important to learn how to amend binder recipes to suit certain types of pigments.

How to make your own watercolour paint!

This involves learning how to grind your paint, the best methods, tips and tricks, and exactly what to look for when you reach a desired outcome.

Learn what to do once your paints are made

This includes the most common methods of keeping paints, alternative storage options, as well as the advantages, disadvantages and important considerations of each.

How to stay safe

You'll learn about the most effective protective measures, what to avoid, any potential health risks and how best to mitigate them.

All about the different types of pigments

There are a heck of a lot of pigments out there, and this course will teach you all the most important things to learn about their various categories, characteristics, and how they behave when it comes to paint making. This will be further exemplified as we go through specific case studies for a detailed comparison of their inherent peculiarities and idiosyncrasies.

Learn to become a master

Most importantly, you’ll learn how to engage in the practice of paint making as a true expert. As you gain the ability to think critically about the process and ultimately learn that there is a real art to the science of making your own paint, you will be well on your way to paint making mastery!


Know someone who might be interested? Let ’em know! Get the word out!



Head over to The Alchemical Arts Academy to sign up now and get paint making!

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